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Golf Rx Indoor Training Facility

Custom Club Fitting

“You wouldn’t buy a suit off the rack without trying it on. Nor does it make sense to invest in new golf equipment without being custom fit.”  Steve Kirkpatrick,  PGA Professional.

Custom fit golf equipment will in most every case improve a player’s game. Properly fit, quality equipment along with professional instruction and practice are the basic steps to game improvement. During your club fitting Steve will determine the proper length, shaft type and flex, lie angle, grip size and set make up for your unique size and swing characteristics.

We were recently named one of the "World's Top 100 Clubfitters" for 2013 by KZG. Read the full press release here.

ZelocityWith the use of our Zelocity Launch monitor we can compare ball flight with various combinations of shafts, lengths and lofts that allow the golfer optimum directional control and proper trajectory.

A custom fitting session usually last about 45 minutes and clubs are ordered the same day.

Custom fit clubs are often less expensive than off the rack standard sets because a player is only paying for the clubs he needs or wants.


The cost for a custom fitting is $75.00. If clubs are purchased within 30 days of the fitting the customer will receive credit for the fitting charge.

To schedule your custom club fitting with Steve call Golf Rx at 615.288.4539

Too upright lie angle
Ball goes left

Correct lie angle
Ball goes to target

Too flat lie angle
Ball goes right



Read more about the importance of custom club fitting here.

See a list of some of our satisfied Club Fitting Customers.

Golf Rx

Instruction ~ Custom Club Fitting ~ Frequency Meter
Club Repairs ~ Golf Equipment ~ Consignment


Feel free to contact Steve at steve@kirkpatrickgolf.com.



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Business Hours:
Monday - Thursday 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Friday 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Closed Saturdays and Sundays


Golf Rx  |  11972 Lebanon Road  |   Mt. Juliet, Tennessee 37122  |  615.288.4539