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Taking the Mystery out of Club Fitting
Answers to the most commonly asked questions

Exactly what is customized in a set of custom fit clubs? 

Practically every part of the club will be modified to some extent. These include the length of the clubs, shaft type and material, shaft flex, head design and type, lie angle of the irons, grip type and size. Even what particular clubs to make up your set will be evaluated.   

Why is the shaft important? 

Not all players swing the club at the same speed. Shafts are made in varying degrees of weight and stiffness. Shafts greatly influence ball flight and distance. By observing your swing we are able to determine the proper shaft to maximize your distance and accuracy.

What does lie angle mean and what effect does it have?

Lie angle is the angle between the bottom sole of the club and the axis of the shaft. By taping the bottom of the club and hitting balls from a lie board we can determine if your clubs need to be more upright or flatter. A mark towards the toe of the club indicates you need a more upright club. A mark towards the heel shows you need a flatter club. A too upright club will cause your ball flight to go left of target, and a too flat club will cause your ball flight to go right of target. 

I’m shorter than average so should I use shorter clubs? 

In most cases you will not want to shorten your clubs because this would shorten your swing arc, causing a loss of club head speed and distance. Shorter players will often require flatter lie angles because of a flatter swing plane. Taller players usually need longer clubs to allow for proper posture, and a more upright lie angle because of a more upright swing plane.

Are custom clubs more expensive than standard sets off the rack?

No. As a matter of fact they are often less expensive. With the popularity of hybrid clubs we may decide to exclude a two, three or four iron with your set. A standard set off the rack may include irons you won’t use or don’t need.

After a fitting how long does it take to get my new clubs?

Virtually all major club manufactures are now tooled up to produce and ship custom orders in five to seven days. Our customers usually receive their clubs in 12 to 14 days and sometimes sooner.

What if I loose a club? Can I get a replacement to match my original specifications?

Our golf shop as well as the manufacturers maintain records of each customer’s order, including all specifications and set make up. If a club is lost or stolen a replacement can be made to exactly match your original set.

Will custom fit clubs make me a better player?

Properly fit clubs are an important tool in order to become the best player you can be, and that is what we would all like to experience. Properly fit clubs reward good golf swings with good golf shots. You wouldn’t buy a new suit off the rack without trying it on. Neither should you purchase golf clubs without first insuring a proper fit.

To schedule a club fitting please email Steve
or call Golf Rx at 615.288.4539

See a list of some of our satisfied Club Fitting Customers.

Read Steve's Blog for more info about Club Fitting.

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Feel free to contact Steve at steve@kirkpatrickgolf.com.


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Monday - Thursday 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Friday 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Closed Saturdays and Sundays

Golf Rx  |  11972 Lebanon Road  |   Mt. Juliet, Tennessee 37122  |  615.288.4539