Explaining Frequency
So what is the purpose of the golf shaft? Some have defined the shaft as the engine of the club. Actually the golfer is the engine and the shaft is simply what connects the clubhead to the golfer. If a player can deliver the clubhead to the ball in a perfect position at the greatest velocity he can generate, he will maximize distance.
Shaft manufacturers design shafts to produce certain ball flights that relate to trajectory. They also design “feel” into their flexes. A golfer feels the clubhead through the shaft, and when the shaft doesn’t perform to the ideal feel for the golfer the flex is not correct. Butt frequency is a direct correlation of that feel because the golfer relates that feel through the grip at the butt end of the shaft.
In respect to golf shafts frequency is defined simply as the number of times a shaft oscillates in a unit of time. Shaft frequency is measured in cycles per minute. A CPM reading is an absolute measure of the shaft’s flex feel to the golfer. It could also be said to be the flex of the shaft.
Frequency is used to produce a matched set of clubs by comparing each shaft’s frequency to a gradient. The advantage to a golfer of a “frequency matched set of clubs” is he can swing each club in the set with the same tempo to achieve consistent clubhead velocity at impact.
Frequency is also used to match a shaft exactly when replacing a broken shaft. It can also be used to determine the flex of a golfer’s favorite club for building other clubs with similar shafts. There are a number of golf club specifications that may cause a bad shot, but in regard to the shaft, if it is not the correct flex feel the golfer will have difficulty returning the clubhead consistently to the ball.
Frequency is an important club fitting variable for game improvement. Because of this at Golf Rx we use the DigiFlex Frequency Meter in custom fitting and building to ensure the optimum shaft for each player.
If you would like to make an appointment to have your current shafts evaluated, or to be professionally fit for a new custom set of clubs contact Steve at Golf Rx at (615) 288-4539.
Golf Rx
Instruction ~ Custom Club Fitting ~ Frequency Meter Club Repairs ~ Golf Equipment ~ Consignment
Feel free to contact Steve at steve@kirkpatrickgolf.com.